WOW just got a big order of 9"ER Umbrella rigs put up on the wall. The striper trolling wall is really coming together. Still waiting on a couple of MoJo"s and bunker spoons but stuff is coming in every day.

It's just about high tide quite a bit of water at the boat ramp...
Putting away a but load of new Stretch 20"s, 30"s CD 30"s and other striper trolling lures. These where not the Hot thing last year but who knows what this year will bring and we want to be stocked and ready for any thing.

The water got pretty deep this morning with the North East wind and rain. Don't get stuck with wet feet come on into Sea Isle Bait and tackle and check out our selection of boots and waders..👢
We have fresh mullet coming out of our ears. The blue fish are biting like mad dogs. And the Eagles don't play till this evening. Get out there enjoy the weather and do some fishing on this great day